
Showing posts from March, 2017

MSSC CPT Certification on the rise in Florida

The Manufacturing Skill Standards Council (MSSC) is an industry-led training, assessment and certification system focused on the core skills and knowledge needed by the nation’s top production workers. The nationwide MSSC System offers entry-level and incumbent workers the opportunity to demonstrate that they have acquired the skills needed in the technology-intensive jobs of today. MSSC offers two certifications: a Certified Production Technician (CPT) and a Certified Logistics Technician (CLT). The CPT Certification addresses the core technical capabilities of higher skilled production workers in all areas of manufacturing. MSSC awards a full Certified Production Technician (CPT) Certification to individuals who pass all four course modules: Safety; Quality Practices & Measurement; Manufacturing Processes & Production and Maintenance Awareness. A CPT Certification equates to 15 college credits.  In Florida, community organizations are working with economic development o...

From the Executive Director's Desk: Deeper Dive into the Manufacturing Ecosystem

Last month FLATE Focus introduced the idea of a manufacturing ecosystem particularly focused on workforce elements of the ecosystem. Successful manufacturing workforce development systems require detailed attention to components of the “talent pool pathway” with different ecosystem entities focusing on select components from different perspectives and with varying intensity depending on their mission. As a reminder (but not a test), the four components, or attributes, are: work-based learning; internships and apprenticeships; skill certification; and talent pipeline development. FLATE has also identified four organizations that have overlapping missions around the development of Florida's manufacturing workforce. These are: the Florida University System, the Florida College System, the Workforce Agency (CareerSource Florida) and FloridaMakes, the Department of Commerce’s Manufacturing Extension Service (MEP). This month the ecosystem connection points between FLATE and the Universi...

Success at Florida's first Industry and Academic Forum about Supply Chain Automation (Mechatronics)

FLATE and the National Center for Supply Chain Automation (SCA) joined efforts to have the first industry and academic forum about supply chain automation (mechatronics) in Florida. The event took place in the brand new Walmart Fulfillment Center in Davenport, FL. The objectives of the forums included: an introduction from both centers, how to focus on Educational resources, how to facilitate Industry/Academic Connections, clarifying Supply Chain Management vs Supply Chain Technician (SCT), comparing and contrasting Career Awareness vs. Career Pathway, providing SCT Occupational Context- SCT Industry Needs meet Academic Solutions, and sharing Best Practices/Solutions (for example, internships). Dr. Marilyn Barger, Executive Director of FLATE, presented the ins and outs of the statewide Engineering Technology A.S. degree, home of mechatronics education in Florida, and offered at many state and community colleges across the state. Florida colleges that offer A.S. ET participated and m...

Enroll now for the 2017 Robotics Camps!

STEMtastic Summer is right around the corner, and FLATE has new and exciting camps being offered. There will be three different camps available for middle and high school students this summer: June 5-9: Intro EV3 Robotics Camp for Middle School. No experience required. June 12-16: Intermediate EV3 Robotics Camp for Middle and High school. Experience required. June 19-23: Engineering Technology Camp for High school. No experience required. At the Intro and Intermediate EV3 Robotics Camps, students will have the opportunity to build and program the all new  LEGO MINDSTORMS® EV3 Robot system, participate in team challenges, tour an advanced manufacturing facility, and learn about the science, technology, engineering and math used in today’s high-tech industries. At the Engineering Technology Camp, high school students will have the opportunity to use 3D modeling and CAD to design a functional robotic device, engage in 3D printing process using additive manufacturing techniques, and ...

Final Florida Manufacturing Day 2016 Statistics

Due to inclement weather, some Florida Manufacturing Day (MFG Day) 2016 tours originally scheduled for October were postponed until January 2017.  Now that Florida MFG Day/Month 2016 has concluded , fresh data tabulations from additional surveys received by FLATE in January and February reveal a surge in the numbers compared to those reported in December 2016.  The numbers are exciting and show much growth from Florida MFG Day/Month 2015.   Some key points in 2016:  Student participation rose from 3,787 students in December to 4,846 students in February, once final surveys were compiled.  Industry tours increased from 161 to 195 tours.   Parent and teacher surveys rose from 62 to 68 surveys. Of the industry tour hosts that responded to FLATE’s surveys, 100% stated the tour was a good use of company time and resources. A special thank you to all of our Florida MFG Day partners from around the state. MFG Day is a huge effort, and such a successful MFG Day w...

Highlights from Hillsborough County STEM Fair

Every year FLATE supports the Hillsborough County School Board and the Florida Foundation for Future Scientists by serving as a judge for the Junior/Senior division of Annual Hillsborough Regional STEM Fair. The Hillsborough Regional STEM Fair has grown to be the largest in Florida and one of the largest in the nation, with over 1,900 entries from 2,500 students in grades K-12. During this event judges assisted to select twenty-six projects that will represent Hillsborough County in the 2017 State Science Fair, where over $200,000 worth of scholarships and awards will be given. The event involves approximately 1,500 projects from the brightest K-12 Hillsborough students in more than 190 public, private, charter, home, and virtual schools. Winners go on to compete at state and national levels. Students experience firsthand the creativity and perseverance required for high-level achievement, and guests have the opportunity to see future STEM leaders in action. Danielly Orozco, Associa...

Answer to sTEm-at-Work Puzzle #58: Signal Analysis for a 3D Printer Inductive Leveling Sensor

The puzzle: Analysis: This puzzle provides an opportunity to understand the relationship between the output voltage and output current signals provided by a level sensor that uses an inductor in its measurement circuit. In this case it was a level measurement however, in any case, an inductor will always have a shift in the shapes of the voltage and current signals (the voltage signal always leads the current signal). This time concept of a wave being ahead of or behind in time is confusing to students. The puzzle provided graphic information is enhanced to help lower that learning curve issue. In this case this graphic allows a repeat discussion (see puzzle 56) of one of the leading vs lagging options. The graphic below emphasizes the fact that at 10:01:05 AM the current value is already decreasing while the voltage value is just increasing as it crosses zero volts. The data collected below represents ...

ASEE Survey Reveals Interesting Nationwide Trends in Two-Year ET Programs

The Engineering Technology Division of the American Association of Engineering Education (ASEE) supports a listserv. Recently the ETD Listserv at Texas A&M University posted a survey about Engineering Technology Education. The results were posted on February 22 and are shared below. The results reveal some interesting nationwide trends in two-year Engineering Technology programs. A note from Lou Frenzel, department head at Texas A&M University:   Some percentages do not add up to 100% because not all questions were answered and/or multiple choices were given per question. The outcome of the survey is interesting and hopefully this current picture of electronic technology programs will help you improve your own program. 1.     The enrollments in my ET program are:                a.      Up            ...