The NSF ATE program is shining bright in Florida
Are you thinking of a “belated” New Year’s resolution? Want to: improve one of your advanced technology associate degrees; start a new technical program; provide needed faculty professional development; add new courses; or recruit more women into your program? If so, you should consider submitting a grant proposal to the National Science Foundation Advanced Technological Education (NSF ATE) program! The next submission date is OCTOBER 5, 2018. Right now, in early January, as the new year begins and many of us start a new semester on campus is the perfect time to start working on a proposal idea. Typically, NSF ATE proposals are developed to address one or more of the needs a technical college program might have. Over the past decade, the number of active NSF ATE awards at Florida state and community colleges has grown significantly. Currently 21 projects and centers are funded at 13 of our 28 state and community colleges. There are also four ATE grant...