
Showing posts from April, 2018

FLATE’s Student Outreach - Supporting STEM Education Mentoring Engineering Capstone Projects for Middle School’s 8th Grade

  Every year, the Florida Advanced Technological Center-FLATE, helps middle school students by mentoring in their Engineering Capstone projects. The 8th grade STEM students are tasked to exhibit technical expertise to solve challenging problems by producing ideas and products that have the potential to be marketed in the real world. Among some of the schools that FLATE serves as mentor is the James Madison Middle School (MMS) in Tampa, FL. MMS opened in 1952 and is recognized as a leader in STEM education in Hillsborough County. The school prides itself in designing enriching and engaging curriculum that takes students on a “learning adventure” focused on applying key engineering skills that are critical to problem-solving and developing higher order thinking skills. During 2008 J. Madison Middle school was selected to host, on behalf of Hillsborough County Schools, the S cience,  T echnology,  E ngineering and  M ath - STEM Aerospace Engineering Academy with a stro...
  2018 Synapse Innovation Summit The 2018 Synapse Innovation Summit, designed to bring together organizations, innovating ideas and advanced hi-technologies from a wide range of industries and organizations to connect regionally-based innovation technology, education, and entrepreneurial ecosystems throughout Florida, was held at the Amalie Arena in Tampa, Florida. Created by the nonprofit Synapse, named for the link between nerve cells in the body, the second annual Innovation Summit included 15 hours of programs and 10 hours of learning, exploring and celebrating the possibilities in advanced hi-technology and innovation, to help connect and establish relationships among those who can contribute to the growth of the Tampa Bay entrepreneurial ecosystem.   There were 250 exhibitors, more than 60 showcases, 56 breakout sessions, 200 speakers, and 2,500 attendees who flooded into downtown Tampa’s Amalie Arena March 28 and 29. Highlights included “spotlight” sessions devo...

Its Job Fair Season!

In the months immediately before April and May graduations every year, colleges host targeted job fairs for programs.   This article covers two such events. The first was early in March at Lake Sumter State College (LSSC) where 12 companies gathered to meet with students enrolled in the LSSC Engineering Technology Protection and Control Technology Associate Degree.    This degree program prepares students to be Relay Technicians for public and private energy utilities and energy technicians for companies that support and supply the energy production and transmission industry.   The job fair attracted 33 students from both the first and second year of the program.   They saw this opportunity to find out about more about their career options in the field both for internships (the first year students) and jobs (the second year students).   Some parents also attended.   A lot of information was traded and learned, the attendees also took a tour of the awes...

LAST CALL: FLATE Educator and Partner Award Nominations!

2018 FLATE Awards deadline for nominations is coming soon April 13, 2018 ! Send in your Nominations FLATE's Distinguished Manufacturing Service Recognition Program, hosted by the Florida Association for Career and Technical Education-FACTE, brings recognition to both secondary and post-secondary educators as well as recognizes key personnel for outstanding contributions to promote technology education and career awareness in support of manufacturing. Awards Timeline – see  Flyer       April 13, 2018 – Online  Nomination form I  . To be completed by nominators     May 1, 2018: Online Nomination Form II . To be completed by nominee. (Nominations close.) ·       May 31, 2018 – Award selections. ·       June 4, 2017 – Award recipients and principal nominators are notified of their selection.  ·       July 17, 2017 – Awards presented during The Annual  FACTE  Conferenc...

Mechatronics Community Exchange Showcases TAMU Project

The Mechatronics Community Exchange (MCE) is a group of   mechatronics educators in 2-year programs that meet virtually most months during the academic year.   On March 22, the MCE meeting showcased the an NSF ATE Mechatronics project at Texas A&M, College Station, Texas.   Dr. Tony Hsieh , Director of the Rockwell Automation Lab and member of the graduate faculty is the P.I. of the “Innovative Curriculum for Industrial Automation” or “ ICIA ” project (NSF DUE 1304843 ) . This project is supporting and creating innovative curriculum, lab exercises and pathways to increase the number of qualified technicians and engineers in the areas of operation, troubleshooting, design and integration of automated manufacturing systems (industrial automation). The curriculum pathways developed include a series of courses, lab exercises (hands-on, remote and virtual formats) and learning experiences that equip students for a successful career in automated systems and industrial...

Manufacturing Excellence in Florida (part 4)

                                 Our focus on creating technicians that can support world class manufacturing in Florida continues.   FLATE, in partnership with FloridaMakes has initially identified four target mechanisms as key elements in creating the talent resource manufacturers’ need: ·          Work-based Learning ·          Internship & Apprenticeships ·          Skill Certification ·          Talent Pipeline Development. Skill Certification was reviewed in the previous (Part 3) contribution in this Manufacturing Excellence in Florida series.   Also we indicated that these four key elements are foundation pillars for manufacturing excellence but they are not addressed wit...

Puzzling the Pieces to Create Florida's World Class Manufacturing Workforce

Since its inception, FLATE wanted a technical education system that would lead to the creation of a world class manufacturing supportive workforce.  This lofty target was understood to require many puzzle pieces to fit together.  For FLATE's part, the puzzle pieces focus on providing technician career paths that assure workforce excellences in Florida's manufacturing sectors.  The first phase toward world class status was to establish a structure within the Florida State College system that would be one of the vehicles for change in the way manufacturing supportive technologies were taught in Florida. That first phase target task is completed.   The A.S. Degree in Engineering Technology (E.T.) developed by FLATE and now supported by the Florida Department of Education and executed within 20 colleges in the Florida State College System is a statewide uniform platform that establishes the core technical skills and knowledge expectations of every E.T. graduate in Florid...