Register today for ManufacturingUSA and FLATE Webinar

This summer, FLATE and Manufacturing USA are hosting a two-part webinar series about the federally funded ManufacturingUSA Institutes! These multi-million dollar public-private partnerships are focused on moving cutting edge technologies from research labs through production into our hands.

The first webinar, hosted on May 16, was a panel of education and workforce leaders from the Institutes who gave the audience a snapshot of the futuristic technologies they are working on as well as a high-level overview of their workforce development plan as a backdrop to more details about their activities focused on technician education and training. If you missed this webinar or just want a chance to review it, you can catch up by listening to a recording on Youtube here

Part two of the webinar series is happening on June 14, and you won’t want to miss it! This webinar will host a number of NSF ATE funded projects and centers that currently have working relationships with one or more of the ManufacturingUSA Institutes. This panel will present opportunities for community colleges as well as funded projects and centers to work directly with the Institutes to learn about and better understand the future technician workforce skill needs. Click here to register for the June 14 webinar! 

For more information on the webinars, please contact Dr. Marilyn Barger, Executive Director of FLATE, at


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