First PathTech LIFE Recruitment Webinar

  A National Survey of LIFE 
Learning, Interests, Family, and Employment Experiences Influencing Pathways into Advanced Technologies
NSF #1501999

Please join us at the First PathTech LIFE webinar on Wednesday August 30, 2017

Come share and learn from your colleagues from around the Nation during this unique webinar about the characteristics of two-year college students across various technology fields, their academic pathways, career goals, and school-work-life balance issues that impact their decisions to enroll, return for further coursework, and/or pursue a certificate or degree.

To register for the webinar click here “Registration,”

or go to

About the project
Researchers from the University of South Florida’s Department of Sociology and College of Education and the Florida Advanced Technological Education Center (FLATE) are conducting a national survey of individuals completing coursework, certification, and AS/AAS degrees in advanced technologies at community colleges. The purpose of this national survey, sponsored by the National Science Foundation, is to identify the characteristics of two-year college students across various technology fields, their academic pathways, career goals, and school-work-life balance issues that impact their decisions to enroll, return for further coursework, and/or pursue a certificate or degree. The information that you provide will help improve the academic and career support colleges’ offer to students completing coursework in advanced technology fields.

We are looking for students completing coursework, certification, and A.S/A.A.S degrees in the following advanced technology fields:

· Engineering technology,
· Advanced manufacturing,
· Micro & nano technology,
· Energy & Environmental technology

College Partners Incentives
Each college partner will receive a stipend and a findings report comparing your students to the national sample if the minimum criteria for students’ participation is met. A minuimum response rate benchmark is necessary to ensure our sample is representative of all students. Colleges who do not reach the response rate will still receive a national findings report and each student who completes the survey will receive $25 directly from PathTech. The survey will take about 15 minutes.
College Commitments
· Appoint a contact person to correspond with the PathTech research team.
· Distribute the flyer and/or survey link to students taking courses in Engineering technology, advanced manufacturing, Micro and nano technology, Energy and environmental technology.
· Provide the number of students who received the survey link so we can calculate the response rate.
· Confirm a list of survey participants are active students in your program.

September 2017 –August 2018: Distribute national survey wave 2 (Fall 2017) and wave 3 (Spring 2018, tentative).

Preliminary Results: Did you know that…….

· Programs who participated were:

· The majority of the respondents were between the ages of 18-30

· 84% of the respondents were male

Please forward this information to colleagues responsible for your CTE and Career Pathways programs. If you have a conflict and cannot attend, please consider sending a representative.

Thank you for agreeing to participate in this project. We hope that geographic location of your college partners will allow us to reach a broad cross-section of the country that will yield findings that are generalizable across colleges and technological fields

If you have any questions please contact:

Will Tyson- PI Associate Professor of Sociology University of South Florida
Ben Reid-External Communications Coordinator


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