U.S. 2012 Economic Census: Manufacturing
The US Census Bureau has compiled information from the manufacturing industry and created a manufacturing data wheel. This contains data for all sectors and includes total value of shipments and receipts, costs of material, number of establishments, production workers annual wage and hourly wage and a total number of production workers. The data wheel contains a high level of data for all subsectors, and provides a snapshot of domestic manufacturing as well as specific values for anyone who is interested in a particular subject/sector.
For example if we look at the wheel and turn to the section for “Computer and electronic product manufacturing,” the total value of shipments and receipts for services is $313,588,636; number of establishments is 13,282; Production workers average for a year is $407,268; production workers average annual wage is $50,395, and production worker hourly wage is $25.65.
This Manufacturing Data wheel is a great source of information for educator to use during Manufacturing Day on October 6, 2017. As educators start to speak to their classes about the tours, they can also look over this information to see how this correlates to the manufactures they will be visiting.
For more information about the U.S. 2012 Economic Census: Manufacturing wheel or to order some,
you can contact Elaine Anderson at Elaine.Anderson@census.gov
For more information on the stats on the data wheel contact Elaine Anderson. To get a copy of the data wheel contact FLATE at barger@fl-ate.org and we can send you a copy. The data wheel also serves as an excellent point of reference for anyone who is looking for data and/or conducting research on manufacturing
Here is a link to the Industry Statistics Portal. This link shows the data for all the sectors, but also shows the data for subsectors.
Below are some graphs from the Department of Commerce showing the percentage of college graduate men and women in the manufacturing industry and Women’s earnings compared to men in the same Industry.
For more information about the U.S. 2012 Economic Census: Manufacturing wheel or to order some,
you can contact Elaine Anderson at Elaine.Anderson@census.gov
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