From the Executive Directors Desk:Daytona State College’s Statewide Articulation for ASET to to BSET
FLATE’s mission includes providing meaningful career and educational pathways for the advanced manufacturing industry sectors. This includes the entire spectrum from introducing young children to “making” to post baccalaureate STEM degrees, with our sweet spot the middle of the spectrum where we find high school students, post-secondary students in 2-year technical programs and/or technical institutions. As educators, we know the value of education for both personal and professional growth and always encourage students to consider continuing their education to support that growth. Obviously, it becomes easier to do this when we have smooth pathways that optimizes both their education and their experiences. To this end, we developed credentialed-based articulations to the A.S. Engineering Technology (A.S.E.T.) to give full credit for a number of credentials thereby accelerating the time completion. This pathway model has been adopted in many disciplines and at many ...