2017 ET Forum, Ocala Fl., College of Central Florida


The 39th state-wide Forum on Engineering Technology (ET Forum) held on September 21st and 22nd was hosted by the College of Central Florida in Ocala. Despite hurricane Irma, the forum was well attended with 33 participants and 13 FL colleges. The Forum provided ET and related discipline area faculty administrators and educators direct interaction with industry professionals, Florida Dept. of Education program supervisors to address the issues concerning our field of technical education.

The Florida Engineering Technology Leadership Council and the Engineering Technology Forum was established in April 1997 at Seminole Community College (now Seminole State College). Since 1996 the ET Forum has been hosted in 21 Colleges around Florida.

The membership includes the department heads and the leaders of the technology programs in the State of Florida. The Forum is a viable means for industry and educators across the state to meet regularly to discuss issues of the educating of tomorrow’s advanced manufacturing workforce. The Forum is building capacity in faculty across the state and securing a community of practice around manufacturing and technology education in Florida.

This year theme of this Forum was Advancing Engineering Technology and included some of new projects and updates. Thursday sessions included opportunities for collaboration with a great vendors’ panel discussion, presentation concerning a new specialization related to additive manufacturing, articulation AS to BSET update, a special tour of the College of Central Florida ET facilities and FANUC Robotics Center, the ET credentialing related to the Lumina Foundation, PathTech LIFE updates, update by the FLDOE and the partnership with FloridaMakes. On Friday morning, the Systems Integration, the College Issues Forum, and the FLATE advanced technology updates were presented.
Highlights from PathTech LIFE Spring Pilot Student Survey
A National Survey of LIFE (Learning, Interests, Family, and Employment) Experiences Influencing Pathways into Advanced Technologies. Each student who participates will receive $25 Amazon gift cards for completing the 15 minute survey. Participating colleges/programs will receive a stipend for participating ($250 for 70% response rate) and a personalized Findings Report. College-level findings report is now very attainable at only a 50% response rate.
Did you Know…
  • The average age of the 74 respondents was 29
  • 91% of the 74 respondents indicated they were male.
You can participate! Here is how!!
To register please contact Ben Reid (ben@impactallies.com) - External Communications Coordinator.
ET Forum Survey results
A total of 22 attendees responded to the survey the following:
An impressive 100% of attendees who responded to the survey said that they are planning to use the information presented at this workshop and they will use the information they have gained with a colleague or peers.
Special Thank you to the ET Forum sponsors for their generous support!

Adams Air & Hydraulics, Bluegrass Educational Technologies, Jaeger Corporation, Learning Labs, Nida Corporation, Southern Educational Systems
Presentations and material for the 2017 Fall ET forum are available online at
Made in Florida 2017 Fall ET Forum at CF


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