FLATE Supporting Diversity in STEM Education at the Annual Meeting of the Florida Educational Research Association (FERA).

FLATE with the support of the National Science Foundation (NSF) Advanced Technology Education (ATE) Community participated for the first time in the Annual Florida Educational Research Association (FERA) Conference held on November 14 to 16 at the Hilton St. Petersburg Carillon Park in St Petersburg, FL.

FERA is a professional association founded in 1959 to promote the investigation, research, and discussion of educational problems and issues affecting the state of Florida. FERA is an affiliated member of the American Educational Research Association through the Consortium of State and Regional Educational Research Associations. 

The annual conference included approximately 220 administrators, state educational representatives, teachers, researchers, and graduate students from K-12 school districts, colleges, and universities across the state of Florida. Conference sessions included development workshops, several concurrent presentation sessions on a wide variety of educational research topics, and a poster session. 

FLATE not only had an informational table both about FLATE and the whole of the ATE program but also participated during a Friday’s symposium “Diversity in STEM Education: An Inquiry into the Experiences of Under-Represented Groups”. This Symposium delves into the topic of under-represented groups in STEM education. In particular, the “T” in STEM, or technology, and present an inquiry into the experiences of women and girls, racial and ethnic minorities, non-traditional students, and first-generation students from basic, applied, and evaluation research perspectives, and across secondary and post-secondary educational contexts. The symposium included four research presentations as follows:

Industry Tours and the Impact on Girls
This presentation reported the findings from a technology education outreach program with a focus on the impact of high school girls. Presenter Danielly Orozco, Florida Advanced Technological Education Center (FLATE),

This is My Neighborhood: An Exploration of Culturally Relevant Agency to Support High School Latina(o) Students in an Urban Career Academy
This presentation included the experience of Latina(o) high school students in an Information Technology Career Academy based on multiple site visits and interviews with various stakeholders. Presenter :Edward Fletcher, University of South Florida

PathTech LIFE: Experiences of Under-Represented Groups in Technician Education
The third paper is based on a national survey of students enrolled in two-year technician programs at community colleges and provides demographic, educational, and employment information for several under-represented groups, including women, racial and ethnic minorities, non-traditional students as well as first-generation students
Presenters: Will Tyson and Lakshmi Jayaram, University of South Florida

Increasing Underrepresented Groups in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Information Technology Programs: Evaluation Results
Included findings from an evaluation study of three partner universities aiming to increase diversity in computer science, information technology, and computer engineering programs.
Presenter: Angela Estacion, aestaci@wested.org, WestEd

For more information about FERA visit https://feraonline.org/about/


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