Florida Community Job Growth Grants are Supporting Advanced Manufacturing in 13 State, Community and Technical Colleges!

In 2017-2018 the state of Florida offered Community Job Growth grants to Florida educational institutions to support local and regional communities.  Many of the award proposal submissions were to communities for infrastructures projects, however a number of state and community colleges and technical colleges received funding for training and educational programs. The good news is that many of these educational awards will support advanced manufacturing programs across the state!  Congratulations to all of those colleges awarded funds for advanced manufacturing program development and training.  See the table below for a list of colleges awarded funding for advanced manufacturing, the programs they were funded to support and the total award amount. We look forward to reporting on their programs and projects in the coming year.
Don’t miss out!  The solicitation for 2018-2919 is published and proposals are already being posted online: http://www.floridajobs.org/jobgrowth .


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